About Us
Two questions:
1. Do you hate ripping paper out of a quilt after paper piecing, pulling stitches out and stretching the fabric?
2. Can you sew along a printed straight line?
If you answered yes to those, you'll love EZ Piecing Leave-In Foundations. You can make flawless blocks, every time.Â
Perfect blocks. Every time. Quilting the easy way.
EZ Piecing Leave-in Foundations were designed to make the construction of quilts flawless and consistent.
EZ Piecing is a small family-ran business originating in Central California from a printing company called Comp-U-Wear. For 28 years, Comp-U-Wear has specialized in dye sublimation printing on countless mediums.
Debbie Gansberger, the owner of Comp-U-Wear has always had a love affair with clothing, textiles and quilting. As Comp-U-Wear became a printing company primarily for local small business marketing and branching out to baby shirts for hospitals, Debbie's work outside of the office became fiber arts - artistic quilts and custom clothing, both of which are available at https://www.debisdesigns.com/. Even then, the work on quilts exposed a major problem: consistently and accurately assembling fabric pieces was difficult whether you were using paper pieces or not.
From this genesis, EZ Piecing was born. Using the graphic design and dye sublimation experience of Comp-U-Wear and the lifelong love of quilting, Debbie created the EZ Piecing patterns.
With EZ Piecing leave-in foundations, assembling the fabric pieces of a quilt became uniform with perfect points and stable sizes of every block.
Now, EZ Piecing has become a reliable way to consistently make perfect blocks with flawless seams for an entire quilt.
EZ Piecing sells quilt pattern foundations, fabric kits, refills for foundations, and numerous accessories that make quilt piecing easier, more consistent, and because it goes so fast: FUN!
All you need to do is be able to sew along a line and read simple directions. There's no gimmicks and it works with any machine. Debbie does most of her piecing on a 100+ year old Singer.
EZ Piecing also allows for countless possibilities. With dozens of different blocks of myriad different sizes, a near infinite number of designs can be arranged, then filled with any kind of colors. The end result can range from the traditional classic bed covers to bright and vibrant designs with optical illusions as a brilliant wall hanging.
EZ Piecing primarily deals with customers via the Internet, but we go to several quilt shows each year and are available to both teach workshops at quilt shops or do trunk shows for brief demonstration and discounted sales. If you own a quilt store and are interested in volume discounts for resale, a trunk show or a workshop, just send an email to sales@ezpiecing.com to inquire more. We'd be happy to figure it out as a team!